The strange quark mass is determined from a study of the correlator 0|T J s J † s |0 (where J s ≡ ∂ µs γ µ u, the divergence of the strange vector current) using a family of finite energy sum rules recently shown to be very accurately satisfied in the isovector vector channel. It is shown that the match between the OPE and hadronic representations for the sum rules employed is extremely good once one fixes the overall scale, (m s − m u ) 2 , which normalizes the OPE side. A value m s (4 GeV 2 ) = 115 ± 8 MeV, corresponding to m s (1 GeV 2 ) = 159 ± 11 MeV, is obtained, with theoretical and experimental uncertainties contributing roughly equally to the combined error. 12.15.Ff,11.55.Hx Typeset using REVT E X