Within the minimal Left-Right (LR) symmetric model we revisit the predictions for the kaon CP violating observables ε and ε in correlation with the neutron electric dipole moment. We perform a complete study of the cross constraints on the model parameters, phases and the MW R scale, considering the two cases of extended parity or charge conjugation as LR discrete symmetries, together with the possible presence of a Peccei-Quinn symmetry. We discuss in particular two scenarios: whether the Standard Model saturates the experimental value of ε /ε or whether new physics is needed, still an open issue after the recent lattice results on the QCD penguin matrix elements. Within the first scenario, we find no constraints on the LR scale in the charge-conjugation case while in the parity case we show that MW R can be as low as 13 TeV. On the other side, the request that new physics contributes dominantly to ε implies strong correlations among the model parameters, with an upper bound of MW R < 8-100 TeV depending on tan β in the case of charge conjugation and a range of MW R 7-45 TeV in the parity setup. Both scenarios may be probed directly at future colliders and only indirectly at the LHC. * stefano.bertolini@sissa.it † Alessio.Maiezza@irb.hr ‡ fabrizio.nesti@aquila.infn.it
Right (LR) symmetric theories, based on the gauge groupA particular role is played by the minimal version of the Left-Right symmetric models (LRSM) [9]. Besides being predictive, the model provides a natural rationale for the origin and smallness of the neutrino mass [10,11], a setup for the restoration of parity at high scale [12], and a novel source for neutrinoless double-beta decay [13,14]. The LRSM has aroused a renewed interest in the era of LHC, because of the possibility of a direct detection via the Keung-Senjanovic (KS) process [15], which violates lepton number in full analogy with the low energy neutrinoless double-beta decay.