Enthalpyo fs orption (DH)i sa ni mportantp arameter for the design of separation processes using adsorptive materials. A pressure-ramped calorimetric method is described and tested for the direct determination of DH values. Combining ah eatflow thermogram with as ingle sorptioni sotherm enables the determination of DH as af unctiono fl oading. Them ethod is validated by studying CO 2 sorptionb yt he well-studied metalorganic framework Cu-HKUST over at emperature range of 288-318K.T he measured DH values comparew ell with previously reported data determined by using isosterica nd calorimetric methods. The pressure-gradient differential scanning calorimetry (PGDSC) methodp roduces reliable high-resolution results by direct measurement of the enthalpy changes during the sorptionp rocesses. Additionally,P GDSC is less labor-intensive and time-consuming than the isostericm ethod and offers detailedi nsight into how DH changes over ag iven loading range.Porous materials can be utilized for the separation of gaseous mixtures,a sw ell as targeted capturea nd release of specific gases. [1] When evaluating the merits of ag iven porous material for physisorption-based processes (we use "sorption" as ag eneric term for either adsorptiono rd esorption),i ti sn ecessary to consider several important physicochemical factors. These include working capacity,s aturation pressure, hysteresis, kinetics, selectivity,e nthalpies of sorption, and the temperature-dependence of these phenomena. With the exception of enthalpies of sorption, it is possible to measure these parameters directly by using standard sorptioni sotherms, which provide uptake capacity as af unctiono fe quilibrium gas pressure. Bimbo et al. stated that an accurate determination of the enthalpy of adsorption is essential to at horough understanding of any sorption-based system and that its reliable measurement is particularly critical for heat management. [2] Indeed, Chang and Ta lu demonstrated the importanceo fm anaging thermale ffects during sorptions ince temperature changes affect the working capacity of the material( see the Supporting Information, Figure S4). [3] Correct accounting for thermal affects can lead to the developmento farange of sorption-based technologies, which may include heat pumps and cooling systems. [4][5][6] The enthalpy of sorption( DH ads and DH des for adsorption and desorption, respectively)i st he amount of energy generated per mole of guest entering or leaving ah ost. Adsorptioni s an exothermic process with negative enthalpy values, whereas desorption is endothermic with positivee nthalpy values. The enthalpy of sorption encompasses both host-guest and guest-guest interaction energies. [7] However, van der Waalsi nteractions between host and guest are usually the major energetic contributors over the entire loading range. [8] The two most commonm ethods of determining enthalpies of sorption are (i)the indirect isosteric methodb yu sing the Clausius-Clapeyron approximation and (ii)direct measurementb yu sing calorimetry. [9] We note t...