Microbial plant pathogens display a variety of successful strategies to invade plant tissues and obtain the necessary nutrients that allow growth and reproduction. Plants fight back with no smaller a variety of weapons, including the synthesis of small to very large molecules to inhibit specific metabolic processes in the pathogen [1][2][3]. In general, plants under microbial attack produce de novo a blend of antimicrobial defenses known as phytoalexins, the specific components of which appear to depend on the type of stress [4,5]. Despite such an arsenal, fungal pathogens can disarm the plant by counterattacking with enzymes that detoxify promptly these phytoalexins [6][7][8]. The outcome of this 'arms race ' [3] frequently favors the pathogen, causing great crop devastation and substantial yield losses. Brassinin is a phytoalexin of great importance to crucifer plants, due to its dual role both as an antimicrobial defense and a biosynthetic precursor of several other phytoalexins. The toxophore group of brassinin is a dithiocarbamate, with an interesting resemblance to the potent fungicides used in the 1960s [9]. From a plant's perspective, it is highly desirable to prevent brassinin detoxification by any pathogen.Crucifers include a wide variety of crops cultivated across the world; for example, the oilseeds rapeseed and canola (Brassica napus and Brassica rapa) and vegetables such as cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata), cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis) or broccoli (Brassica oleraceae var. italica). In addition, both wild and cultivated crucifers are known to Blackleg fungi [Leptosphaeria maculans (asexual stage Phoma lingam) and Leptosphaeria biglobosa] are devastating plant pathogens with well-established stratagems to invade crucifers, including the production of enzymes that detoxify plant defenses such as phytoalexins. The significant roles of brassinin, both as a potent crucifer phytoalexin and a biosynthetic precursor of several other plant defenses, make it critical to plant fitness. Brassinin oxidase, a detoxifying enzyme produced by L. maculans both in vitro and in planta, catalyzes the detoxification of brassinin by the unusual oxidative transformation of a dithiocarbamate to an aldehyde. Purified brassinin oxidase has an apparent molecular mass of 57 kDa, is approximately 20% glycosylated, and accepts a wide range of cofactors, including quinones and flavins. Purified brassinin oxidase was used to screen a library of brassinin analogues and crucifer phytoalexins for potential inhibitory activity. Unexpectedly, it was determined that the crucifer phytoalexins camalexin and cyclobrassinin are competitive inhibitors of brassinin oxidase. This discovery suggests that camalexin could protect crucifers from attacks by L. maculans because camalexin is not metabolized by this pathogen and is a strong mycelial growth inhibitor.Abbreviations BO, brassinin oxidase; CKX, cytokinin oxidase ⁄ dehydrogenase; DEA, diethanolamine; FCC, flash column chromatography; PMS, phenazine methosulfate;...