Precast refractory ceramic shapes have had well-known benefits over other refractory lining methods: consistent and controlled manufacturing processes with faster turnaround than traditional cast-in-place monolithic refractories, reduced labor cost over classic brick installations, and, if well designed, simple repair assemblies. By analyzing the common failure modes of precast monolithic shapes, a distinct method to enhance these advantages was theorized. Through modeling and in-field testing, the use of multicomponent and heterogeneous composite refractory systems incorporating high-temperature reinforcement structures increased reliability and provided more predictable modes of failure.
K E Y W O R D Scastables, mechanical properties, refractories, stress, thermal shock/thermal shock resistance 170 | GOSKI and LaMBERT 2 | COMMON FAILURE MODES
OF PRECAST MONOLITHICSThe same modes of failure would be found in precast monolithic shapes as most other refractory materials used in industrial applications. While failure modes vary widely, two of the most prevalent causes for end of service have been found to be corrosion and/or mechanical failure.How to cite this article: Goski D, Lambert M. Engineering resilience with precast monolithic refractory articles. Int J Ceramic Eng Sci. 2019;1: 169-177. https ://doi.