Measurement of the isotopic composition of solids, solutes, gases, and water complement standard hydrogeological investigation techniques by providing information that may not otherwise be obtainable. Groundwater age estimates determined from the decay of radio-isotopes or from groundwater concentrations of anthropogenic gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and sul-fur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) are used to verify flow regimes and constrain or calibrate hydrologic flow
models. Groundwater recharge rates are estimated by measuring the concentrations or activities of a variety of isotopes including 2 H, 3 H, 18 O, and 36 Cl. Excess sulfur causes salinization of water supplies and acidification of precipitation, surface water, and groundwater. The wide range of sulfur isotopic compositions exhibited by different sulfur species and sources allows the application of sulfur isotopes to trace sources and fate of sulfur in the environment. Methane is a ubiquitous gas that has economic value when located in extractable reservoirs. Methane is also a greenhouse gas and is a potential explosion and health hazard when it accumulates in buildings and water distribution systems. The carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of methane can be used to determine the provenance of methane, distinguishing between thermogenic and biogenic sources. The addition of isotopic analyses to environmental investigations can be a cost-effective means of resolving intractable issues. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
INTRODUCTIONIsotope applications can save you time, effort, and money. Results from environmental investigations utilizing standard hydrogeochemical techniques may retain unacceptable levels of uncertainty, and important questions may even be left unanswered. In combination with hydrogeochemical techniques, forensic isotope geochemistry can be used to more definitively identify sources of pollution, determine effectiveness of remediation, and provide insight into contaminant fate and transport processes. Sampling methods for many standard isotopic analyses are quite simple and can easily be incorporated into typical field sampling programs. In addition, the analytical costs for isotope determinations are similar to analytical costs for chemical analyses.The additional cost for adding isotopic evaluations to investigations can be quite small compared to the overall investigation cost and to the value added by the insight gained from their employment.Groundwater flow regimes play an important role in the fate and transport of contaminants in the saturated zone.While rapid groundwater flow may cause spreading of a contaminant plume, high infiltration rates may aid natural attenuation by diluting the plume and providing vital nutrients to assist biodegradation processes. On the other hand, contaminants in a slow flow aquifer may persist for decades or centuries. Overproduction of groundwater resources threatens future water supplies and may impact surface water flow and sustainability of wetlands. Salinization of aquifers is a serious prob...