The differences in the mean square nuclear charge radius 6 ( r z > of the even cadmium isotopes 110 < A < 116 have been determined by means of K,, x-ray isotopic shift measurements. The results are 6 ( r 2 j = 0.135 k 0,022fmZ, 0,132 & 0,020fm2, 0.142 k0.026fm2 and 0.42 i 0,02fm2 for the isotope pairs 110-112, 112-114, 114-116 and 110-1 16 respectively. These results are in agreement with the available optical isotopic shift (01s) data. Comparison with the available elastic electron scattering (EES) results shows good agreement for the pairs 112-1 14and 114-1 16,andreasonableagreement for the pairs 110-1 12 and 110-116.