K-Ar ages of .. Ma (Kamihara Tonalite), . . Ma (Mitsuhashi Granodiorite), .. Ma (Inagawa Granite, massive facies), .. Ma (Inagawa Granite, gneissose porphyritic facies) and .. Ma (Busetsu Granite) were determined from the Ryoke plutonic rocks in the Asuke area, central Japan. All of these ages are interpreted to be cooling ages related to the blocking temperature of biotite. The coincident -Ma cooling ages of the Kamihara Tonalite, Mitsuhashi Granodiorite, massive facies of Inagawa Granite and Busetsu Granite in -Ma suggests that these plutonic rocks followed a common cooling path in this area after solidification of the Busetsu Granite (ca. -Ma). On the other hand, solidification age of the gneissose porphyritic facies of Inagwa Granite is ca. -Ma, and K-Ar age of .. Ma from the gneissose porphyritic facies of Inagawa Granite was younger than other plutonic rocks in the Asuke area. thus, the K-Ar age is concordantly interpreted as cooling age of the granite.