An error is present in some of the equations of our paper. Assume ͑1͒ max Ͼ0 is not an element of S 0 , and ͑2͒ the nondegeneracy condition of the Liouville eigenvalues given on page 91. Then, in Eqs. ͑4͒-͑20͒ exclusively, the diagonal elements A ss should be replaced by A ss /ͱ2. The last term of Eqs. ͑15͒ and ͑16͒, for example, should consequently be deleted. Note that the jump moments D n , and hence all of the results in Sec. V and onward, are unaffected.The source of the error can be gleaned from the following identity, which is valid provided f is a continuous function and 0р ln р max :