The use of chemical crosslinking is an attractive tool that presents many advantages in the application of mass spectrometry to structural biology. The correct assignment of crosslinked peptides, however, is still a challenge because of the lack of detailed fragmentation studies on resultant species. In this work, the fragmentation patterns of intramolecular crosslinked peptides with disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) has been devised by using a set of versatile, model peptides that resemble species found in crosslinking experiments with proteins. These peptides contain an acetylated N-terminus followed by a random sequence of residues containing two lysine residues separated by an arginine. After the crosslinking reaction, controlled trypsin digestion yields both intra-and intermolecular crosslinked peptides. In the present study we analyzed the fragmentation of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionizationgenerated peptides crosslinked with DSS in which both lysines are found in the same peptide. Fragmentation starts in the linear moiety of the peptide, yielding regular b and y ions. Once it reaches the cyclic portion of the molecule, fragmentation was observed to occur either at the following peptide bond or at the peptide crosslinker amide bond. If the peptide crosslinker bond is cleaved, it fragments as a regular modified peptide, in which the DSS backbone remains attached to the first lysine. This fragmentation pattern resembles the fragmentation of modified peptides and may be identified by common automated search engines using DSS as a modification. If, on the other hand, fragmentation happens at the peptide bond itself, rearrangement of the last crosslinked lysine is observed and a product ion containing the M ass spectrometry for three-dimensional analysis (MS3D) has become a very attractive tool in evaluating protein structure and interactions. In MS3D, proteins are subjected to crosslinking with one of the many reagents available followed by enzymatic digestion and MS analysis [1]. In recent years, this approach has been widely used in the study of protein folding [2-6], identifying binding partners [7][8][9], monitoring conformational changes upon ligand binding [10 -12], characterizing surfaces in protein complexes [13][14][15][16][17][18][19], and as probes for solvent accessibility [20 -23].One of the key steps for a successful MS3D analysis relies on the correct assignment of crosslinked peptides. The identification of those peptides is not trivial because they are present in the sample in a low stoichiometric amount. Several approaches are currently being applied to detect these modified peptides [24 -27], with one of the most explored methodologies consisting of tagging crosslinked peptides with heavy isotopes, either by using isotopically coded crosslinkers [18, 28 -33] or tryptically digesting the protein solution in a mixture of H 2 16 O and H 2 18 O [8, 31, 34, 35]. Affinity-tagged crosslinkers have been synthesized, so that modified peptides can be enriched after reaction [28, 30, 36 -38]. Al...