We study interfacial phenomena in a colloidal dispersion of sterically stabilized gibbsite platelets, exhibiting coexisting isotropic and nematic phases separated by a sharp horizontal interface. The nematic phase wets a vertical glass wall and polarized light micrographs reveal homeotropic surface anchoring both at the free isotropic-nematic interface and at the wall. On the basis of complete wetting of the wall by the nematic phase, as found in our density functional calculations and computer simulations, we analyze the balance between Frank elasticity and surface anchoring near the contact line. Because of weak surface anchoring, the director field in the capillary rise region is uniform. From the measured rise (6 m) of the meniscus at the wall we determine the isotropic-nematic surface tension to be 3 nN=m, in quantitative agreement with our theoretical and simulation results. (IN) transition of anisometric colloidal particles. The spontaneous orientational ordering of the particles in the nematic phase is attributed to the strongly anisotropic excluded volume pair interactions that favor parallel alignment of the particles and overcome the orientational entropy of the isotropic state. However, the precise particle shape matters, as ordering of thin rods can be quantitatively described at the level of second virial theory, yielding a density jump of 20% at the IN transition, whereas-to quote Onsager-''we can hardly hope for more than that our result will describe concentrated solutions of (platelike) particles qualitatively rather than quantitatively '' [2]. Indeed, computer simulations [3] have shown that for (infinitely thin) hard platelets the density jump is only 8%.In recent years the entropy-driven IN transition in suspensions of sterically stabilized [4] as well as charge stabilized colloidal platelets [5] has been studied both experimentally and theoretically [6]. To explain that the IN interface is easily deformed under gravity, it was estimated from a scaling relation that the interfacial tension in these systems could be as low as 0:01 N=m [7]. In this Letter we present a measurement of the IN interfacial tension in suspensions of colloidal platelets and carry out density functional calculations [8] and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of the free IN interface and wetting at a wall using a microscopic model of platelets with continuous degrees of freedom. For detailed studies of interfacial properties of rectangular platelets with discrete orientations (Zwanzig model) see Refs. [9,10]. We find indeed a very low IN interfacial tension from the capillary rise measured in experiment, in quantitative agreement with our theoretical and simulation results. Our theory and simulations show complete wetting of the wall by the nematic phase, with its onset occurring only remarkably close to bulk IN coexistence.We use a model system of hard disks consisting of sterically stabilized colloidal gibbsite [Al OH 3 ] platelets dispersed in toluene [4], with average diameter D 240 nm and thickness L 18 nm, and a polyd...