PURPOSE We wanted to explore test results management systems in family medicine offi ces and to delineate the components of quality in results management.METHODS Using a multimethod protocol, we intensively studied 4 purposefully chosen family medicine offi ces using observations, interviews, and surveys. Data analysis consisted of iterative qualitative analysis, descriptive frequencies, and individual case studies, followed by a comparative case analysis. We assessed the quality of results management at each practice by both the presence of and adherence to systemwide practices for each results management step, as well as outcomes from chart reviews, patient surveys, and interview and observation notes.
RESULTSWe found variability between offi ces in how they performed the tasks for each of the specifi c steps of results management. No offi ce consistently had or adhered to offi ce-wide results management practices, and only 2 offi ces had written protocols or procedures for any results management steps. Whereas most patients surveyed acknowledged receiving their test results (87% to 100%), a far smaller proportion of patient charts documented patient notifi cation (58% to 85%), clinician response to the result (47% to 84%), and follow-up for abnormal results (28% to 55%). We found 2 themes that emerged as factors of importance in assessing test results management quality: safety awareness-a leadership focus and communication that occurs around quality and safety, teamwork in the offi ce, and the presence of appropriate policies and procedures; and technological adoption-the presence of an electronic health record, digital connections between the offi ce and testing facilities, use of technology to facilitate patient communication, and the presence of forcing functions (built-in safeguards and requirements).CONCLUSION Understanding the components of safety awareness and technological adoption can assist family medicine offi ces in evaluating their own results management processes and help them design systems that can lead to higher quality care. Ann Fam Med 2009;7:343-351. doi:10.1370/afm.961.
INTRODUCTIONP rimary care physicians order tests for a considerable number of patients. Recent estimates are that family physicians and general internists order laboratory tests in 29% and 38% of patient visits and imaging studies in 10% and 12%, respectively.1 These tests serve multiple purposes-some are for screening, others are diagnostic, and still others are used to manage and monitor medications and chronic health problems. Although some tests are performed in physicians' offi ces while patients wait, most are sent to reference laboratories, hospitals, and outside facilities.For more than a decade, research has documented that primary care physicians are concerned that their systems for managing test results are unsatisfactory. [2][3][4][5] In 3 primary care patient safety studies, 15% to 54% of
O F FIC E M A NAG EMEN T O F T ES T R E SULT Sall errors reported by physicians were related to the testing proce...