At present many areas of industry have strong tendencies towards miniaturization of products. Mechanical components of these products as a rule are manufactured using conventional largescale equipment or micromechanical equipment based on microelectronic technology (MEMS). The first method has some drawbacks because the conventional large-scale equipment is energy-, space-and material-consuming. The second method seems to be more advanced but has some limitations, for example, 2-or 2.5 dimensional shapes of components and materials compatible with silicon technology. In this article alternative technology of micromechanical device production is considered. This technology is based on micromachine tools and microassembly devices. The micromachine tools and microassembly devices could be produced as sequential generations of microequipment. This paper describes the efforts and some results of first generation microequipment prototyping. A micromachining center having overall sizes 130 x 160 x 85 mm was produced and characterized. This center permits us to manufacture micromechanical details having the sizes from 50 pm to 5 mm. These details have complex 3D-shape (for example, screw, gear, graduated shaft, conic details, etc.), and are made from different materials, for example, brass, steel, different plastics etc. We started to investigate and make prototypes of the assembly microdevices controlled by a computer vision system. En example of proposed technology applications (microfilters) is also described in this paper.