The purpose of this study is to find out the public's perception of 'German sports' by using big data, and to derive what can be an implication in the field of life sports. For this purpose, text mining was conducted for one year from February 2021 to February 2022 after searching for 'German Sports' on the portal. After the text was collected with big data analysis software, word frequency analysis, TF-IDF, N-gram, connection centrality analysis, and network visualization were performed. Words that can be said to be related to life sports include 'life,' 'school,' 'education,' 'region,' and 'facility' in the top 50 in the frequency analysis, and 'education,' in the connection centrality analysis. 'school,' 'life,' 'policy,' 'exercise,' 'support,' 'activity,' and 'region' were included in the top 50. However, there was no mention of specific methods such as 'sports club' in both frequency and centrality of connection. In the result of N-gram network analysis, 'life-sports' was included in 6th place. Keywords that are frequently mentioned or considered important should be considered as priorities when establishing sports for life policies. However, on the other hand, it will also be necessary to promote and draw attention to keywords that are important but not often mentioned.