In this paper I will try to reconsider whether the argument of responsibility
towards future generations represents plausibile critique of global use of
nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is considered one of the possible solutions
for overcoming various environmental challenges, due to the fact that it
represents an energy source that can provide society with all the necessary
amounts of energy for a long time and that does not create unfavorable
effects of solid fuel emissions, such as the destruction of the ozone layer
and the greenhouse effect. However, from the perspective of responsibility
towards future generations, I will try to show how the nuclear industry, due
to its irreversibility character, cannot represent the most suitable
ecological solution in the present. I will try to further support the
plausibility of the argument, addressing human rights as a modern ethical
and political view, which bases moral responsibilities towards future
generations on the liberal society values, according to which the freedom of
individuals and their right to lead a dignified life are respected.