This research delves into the intricate gender dynamics within the digital gig economy, with a specific lens on the experiences of female freelancers in Bangladesh. Utilizing a qualitative methodology, the study draws from 14 in-depth interviews and a pivotal key informant interview. The findings unravel multifaceted barriers women face, including societal expectations rooted in motherhood, pronounced economic barriers in accessing essential resources, and vulnerabilities in the form of harassment and deceit. Despite the allure of flexibility promised by the gig economy, women's experiences are shaped by the weight of societal norms and infrastructural disparities. Furthermore, wage disparities and infrastructural challenges, such as sporadic internet access and lack of modern equipment, amplify the obstacles. Yet, amid these adversities, the narratives also underscore the remarkable resilience of Bangladeshi female freelancers, as they navigate and adapt to these challenges. This study provides a crucial addition to the discourse on the gendered nuances of the digital gig landscape and the intersection of culture, labor, and technology.