Purpose: The dynamics and complexity of governance in disaster management in Indonesia require disaster management through the implementation of GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance). integrated. The aim of this research is to assess the readiness of GRC innovation in disaster management through risk management mitigation, supporting infrastructure, and developing an integrated GRC implementation development plan.
Theoretical reference and Method: Types of qualitative and quantitative research through surveys, distribution of questionnaires, collection of regulatory documents and GRC system policies in an integrated manner, reinforced by interviews with respondents, use of GRC system infrastructure design through infrastructure preparedness in facing disasters which are formulated in the form of policy proposal frameworks and guidelines that refer to against the ISO Handbook Integrated Use of Management System Standard, an action examination (PDCA) sample of 124 respondents.
Results and Conclusion: The research results can be explained: 1) The creation of risk management guidelines resulting from integrated GRC practices in disaster risk mitigation has not been standardized. 2) The infrastructure design resulting from a study regarding readiness to implement integrated GRC in government in disaster management in Indonesia has not been implemented in general. 3) Based on the results of the Delphi method, the implementation of GRC has not been integrated.
Implications of research: The implications of the research results can be used as recommendations for risk management stakeholders in making decisions based on the implementation of integrated G/R/C. Measuring the level of effectiveness uses a maturity model approach (Maturity Assessment) according to ISO standards.
Originality/value: Originality: This research contributes to the implementation of integrated GRC 1) risk management guidelines resulting from integrated GRC practices 2) Infrastructure design resulting from studies regarding disaster management in Indonesia. 3) Delphi method, GRC implementation is not yet integrated.