BACKGROUND: Students studying in the higher education system face multiple challenges, such as meeting the minimum requirements for enrolling in a programme, securing tuition fees and adapting to new teaching and learning styles, whilst also coping with minimal support. The challenges are more profound for students with disabilities (SWDs) who must progress and emerge triumphantly as graduates, despite their unique and special needs. OBJECTIVE: By relating the personal experiences of SWDs, this article examines the different types of support they need as they commence their studies in higher education institutions, as well as throughout their journeys. METHODS: The study adopted a qualitative multiple case study research design in which the approaches of public and private high schools in handling SWDs were compared with the experiences of SWDs at a higher education open distance e-learning institution. RESULTS: The findings revealed that the use and availability of assistive technology devices were more pronounced at the school level than at the ODeL institution. The SWDs expressed their frustrations and reported more struggles with their studies at the ODeL institution than they had experienced at school level. CONCLUSION: The SWDs in the study provided some potential improvements that could be implemented by ODeL institutions in addressing their needs and in providing support, whilst also emulating the best practices implemented at high school level.