DOI: 10.17645/mac.v6i2.1322
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‘It’s Something Posh People Do’: Digital Distinction in Young People’s Cross-Media News Engagement

Abstract: In this article, I analyse digital distinction mechanisms in young people’s cross media engagement with news. Using a combination of open online diaries and qualitative interviews with young Danes aged 15 to 18 who differ in social background and education, and with Bourdieu’s field theory as an analytical framework, the article investigates how cultural capital (CC) operates in specific tastes and distastes for news genres, platforms and providers. The article argues that distinction mechanism not only works … Show more

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Cited by 16 publications
(10 citation statements)
References 35 publications
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“…The media diaries are analysed in order to gain insights into how Norwegian news audiences experienced the election campaign (Hartley, 2018 for related use of diaries). The diary had a relatively open format, in which informants were asked a few questions (e.g.…”
Section: The Case Of Norway Methods and Datamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The media diaries are analysed in order to gain insights into how Norwegian news audiences experienced the election campaign (Hartley, 2018 for related use of diaries). The diary had a relatively open format, in which informants were asked a few questions (e.g.…”
Section: The Case Of Norway Methods and Datamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Finally, Hartley (2018) mobilizes the Bourdieusian view of social space-a space of class relations wherein agents endowed with different ways of relating to the social world (habitus) form distinct lifestyles and media repertoires. In her interview study with young Danes Hartley (2018) shows how the possession or dispossession of cultural capital shapes people's relation to news and journalism.…”
Section: How To Sociologize Media Technologies Discourses and Practmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[6] emphasize the unpredictability of Internet activity and the opposition to upbringing and education as a result of virtual manipulation and digital destructive influence on young people with their unformed mental, psychological and social abilities. Most scientists, both Russian [5,6] and foreign [2,3,7,8,9] consider the uncontrolled Internet as a potential weapon of mass destruction, with the enormous power to transform a reasonable person with his or her value system in a very short period of time.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Significant negative changes in the social activity of the modern "digital person" are pointed and developed in the works of J. M. Hartley [8], P. Bourdieu [23]: the degree of withdrawal to the virtual space, dependence on virtual reality and the intention to be a certain type of person, for example, the style of luxury, which is a certain characteristic of a man, according to J. M. Hartley with a low cultural level and pronounced Internet addiction, when a person is used to do as the Internet demonstrates, "obey" and execute Internet commands. The formation of new specific forms of identity in the digital world is also discussed by the Russian researcher Emelin V. A.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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