Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions remains as an important clinical challenge, mainly for the differentiation between mass forming chronic pancreatitis, autoimmune pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can all provide valuable and complementary information in this setting. Among them, EUS has the unique ability to obtain specimens for histopathological diagnosis and can therefore play a crucial role in the evaluation patients with inconclusive findings on initial examinations. Nowadays, new developed techniques associated to EUS, like elastography and contrast enhancement, have shown promising results for the differential diagnosis of these pancreatic lesions.Key words: Endoscopic ultrasound. CT scan. MRI. Pancreatic tumors.
INTRODUCTIONDifferential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses remains a challenge, despite recent advances in different diagnostic procedures. In this article, the role of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) including EUS-guided FNA, elastography and contrast enhancement will be reviewed in relation to computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). Differential diagnosis between malignant lesions and mass-forming chronic pancreatitis or focal autoimmune pancreatitis will be discussed. Tumor staging and evaluation of resectability of these pancreatic lesions will not be evaluated. Other imaging techniques, like PET-scan or octreoscan will not be analyze, because their usefulness in this context is unclear.Differential diagnosis between malignant pancreatic lesions (pancreatic cancer, pancreatic metastasis) and massforming chronic pancreatitis CT scan is the most widely spread imaging modality for evaluation of pancreatic solid masses and considered as the most comprehensive tool for diagnosis and surgical staging of pancreatic malignancies (1). CT technology has significantly advanced over the last years, multidetector helical CT scan allows for very thin sliced cuts, providing a higher image resolution and faster image acquisition (Fig. 1) Vol. 104. N.° 6, pp. 315-321, 2012 Disclosures: Dr. Julio Iglesias-García is international advisor of Cook-Medical. Dr. J. Enrique Domínguez-Muñoz is international advisor of Pentax Medical Company.Received: 27-03-201227-03- Accepted: 20-04-2012 Correspondence: Julio Iglesias-García. Department of Gastroenterology.