Echinococcus multilocularis is a small tapeworm affecting wild and domestic carnivores and voles in a typical prey-predator life cycle. In Italy, a focus of E. multilocularis has been in existence since 1997 in the northern Italian Alps, later confirmed in foxes collected from 2001 to 2005. In this study, we report the results of seven years of monitoring on E. multilocularis and other cestodes and describe the changes occurred over time and among areas showing different environmental and ecological features (eco-regions).
Eggs of cestodes were isolated from faeces of 2,872 foxes with a sedimentation/filtration technique. The cestode species was determined through multiplex PCR, targeting and sequencing ND1 and 12S genes.
Overall, 217 (7.55%) samples resulted positive for cestode eggs at coproscopy, with differences of prevalence according to year and sampling area. Eight species of cestodes were identified, with Taenia crassiceps (2.6%), Taenia polyacantha (2%) and E. multilocularis (1%) as the species most represented. The other species, Mesocestoides litteratus, Taenia krabbei, T. serialis, T. taeniaeformis and Dipylidium caninum, accounted for less than 1% altogether. Echinococcus multilocularis was identified in foxes from two out of six eco-regions, in 30 faecal samples, accounting for 1.4% within the cestode positives at coproscopy. All E. multilocularis isolates came from Bolzano province. Prevalence of cestodes, both collectively and for each of the three most represented species (T. crassiceps, T. polyacantha and E. multilocularis) varied based on the sampling year, and for E. multilocularis an apparent increasing trend across the last few years was evidenced.
Our study confirms the presence of a low prevalence focus of E. multilocularis in red foxes of northeast Italy. Although this focus seems still spatially limited, given its persistence and apparent increasing prevalence through the years, we recommend that future work deepen the ecological factors allowing persistence of this zoonotic species at a smaller scale. On the same scale, we recommend an informative campaign on how to behave to avoid contamination, targeted at people living in the area, especially hunters, dog owners, forestry workers and other categories at risk.