Thi s paper devel ops a model to predi ct the adopti on and l evel of usage of network technol ogy i n a two-l evel suppl y chai n wi th buyer-suppl i er rel ati onshi ps. A fi rm's adopti on of a new technol ogy depends not onl y on i ts own bel i efs of the new technol ogy's costs and benefi ts, but al so on the adopti on deci si ons of other fi rms i n the suppl y chai n. A model fi rst anal yzes an i ndi vi dual suppl i er's deci si on about a new technol ogy adopti on consi deri ng wi th mul ti pl e suppl i ers and buyers. Indi vi dual suppl i ers' deci si ons are aggregated wi th a popul ati on model to proj ect how new technol ogy di ffuses across the suppl y chai n and exami ne the pattern of di ffusi on process. Thi s study found that as more fi rms adopt i n i ni ti al peri ods, the total amount of i nformati on to the potenti al adopters i n the popul ati on i ncreases, and then the number of fi rms persuaded by the i nformati on i ncreases as the process moves up the di stri buti on of adopti on process. We consi der three factors i nfl uenci ng the di ffusi on speed of the new technol ogy i n a suppl y chai n network : mean benefi ts, cost shari ng, and i nformati on provi si on. Thi s study exami nes how such factors affect the reducti on of threshol d l evel s, whi ch i mpl i es that reducti ons i n threshol d l evel s have an aggregate effect by accel erati ng the rate of adopti on. In parti cul ar, we expl ore rel ati onshi p factors avai l abl e i n practi ce i n a buyer-suppl i er rel ati onshi p and numeri cal l y exami nes how these rel ati onshi p factors contri bute to i ncrease the di ffusi on speed of the technol ogy i n a two-l evel suppl y chai n Keyword:Technol ogy Adopti on, Di ffusi on Speed, Buyer-Suppl i er Rel ati onshi ps, Two-Level Suppl y Chai n, Network External i ti es 한국경영과학회지 제38권 제3호 2013년 9월 52 최 대 헌