This study examines whether jobs that enable competence development and a constructive leadership st)'le enhance workers' empioyabiiity or career potential through their assumed positive relationship with work-related flow (absorption, work enjoyment, and intrinsic work motivation). The authors conducted an explorative study with 303 pairs of employees and their direct supervisors working in a Dutch building company. Results indicate that self-ratings of learning value of the current job and transformational leadership have an indirect relationship with supervisor ratings of empioyabiiity through work-related flow.Being an expert and maintaining one's experdse are by no means easy tasks. However, the potendal of a working organizadon to perform optimally in global markets depends on employees' capability to develop, culdvate, and maintain ñjndamental qualifications. Nowadays, job qualificadons are changing condnuously. Moreover, the dme has passed when careers consisted of upward moves within a framework of long-term employment reladons (Arthur, 2008;Sullivan, 1999). Empioyabiiity (or career potendal) management consists of a new mutual psychological contract (Coyle-Shapiro & Neuman, 2004;Rousseau, 2001) and is a joint responsibility of employers and employees. In the present study, we propose an empioyabiiity enhancement model to examine how learning value of the current job and a transformadonal leadership style are related to empioyabiiity. We argue that these predictors have an indirect relationship with empioyabiiity through work-related flow and build upon the "happy-producdve worker thesis" (see Cropanzano & Wright, 2001, for a thorough review) and the "broaden-and-build theory of posidve emodons" (Fredrickson, 2001).Although several studies have reported relationships between career or managerial practices and positive work outcomes, tests of mediating Beatrice I. J. M. van