Zero forcing is a propagation process on a graph, or digraph, defined in linear algebra to provide a bound for the minimum rank problem. Independently, zero forcing was introduced in physics, computer science and network science, areas where line digraphs are frequently used as models. Zero forcing is also related to power domination, a propagation process that models the monitoring of electrical power networks.In this paper we study zero forcing in iterated line digraphs and provide a relationship between zero forcing and power domination in line digraphs. In particular, for regular iterated line digraphs we determine the minimum rank/maximum nullity, zero forcing number and power domination number, and provide constructions to attain them. We conclude that regular iterated line digraphs present optimal minimum rank/maximum nullity, zero forcing number and power domination number, and apply our results to determine those parameters on some families of digraphs often used in applications.1 in network science, it models the spread of a disease over a population, or of an opinion in a social network (see [14]).In addition to its intrinsic relation to minimum rank, zero forcing is closely related to power domination, a graph theory concept introduced in [20] to optimize the monitoring process of electrical power networks. From the definitions of power domination and zero forcing, it follows that the closed out neighborhood of a power dominating set is a zero forcing set, and a stronger relationship between zero forcing and power domination was established in [7].Zero forcing, minimum rank and power domination are all NP-hard problems, as proven in [1], [10], and [20], respectively. Thus, it is important to obtain bounds for the minimum rank, the zero forcing and the power domination numbers, as well as closed formulas to calculate them for families of graphs. Although power domination and zero forcing where introduced on undirected graphs, they were extended to digraphs in [1] and [5], respectively. Further results on zero forcing on digraphs can be found in [5], [15], [21], [23] and [31]. Power domination in digraphs has not been so thoroughly explored, but recently zero forcing and power domination for de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs was studied in [19]. De Bruijn and Kautz digraphs are iterated line digraphs of the complete digraph, with and without loops, respectively. In this work, we extend the results in [19] to zero forcing and power domination of iterated line digraphs of any regular digraph.The line digraph has been used in a broad range of disciplines, but its large number of applications precludes us from including an exhaustive summary here. In the context of this work, since the line digraph of a digraph described by a unitary matrix can also be described by a unitary matrix, iterated line digraphs are used to obtain arbitrarily large digraphs described by unitary matrices (see [24] and [28]). Such digraphs are frequently used to model quantum systems in physics, chemistry, and engineering (see [22]), and...