We are interested in fast and stable iterative regularization methods for image deblurring problems with space invariant blur. The associated coefficient matrix has a Block Toeplitz Toeplitz Blocks (BTTB) like structure plus a small rank correction depending on the boundary conditions imposed on the imaging model. In the literature, several strategies have been proposed in the attempt to define proper preconditioner for iterative regularization methods that involve such linear systems. Usually, the preconditioner is chosen to be a Block Circulant with Circulant Blocks (BCCB) matrix because it can be efficiently exploit Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for any computation, including the (pseudo-)inversion. Nevertheless, for ill-conditioned problems, it is well known that BCCB preconditioners cannot provide a strong clustering of the eigenvalues. Moreover, in order to get an effective preconditioner, it is crucial to preserve the structure of the coefficient matrix.On the other hand, thresholding iterative methods have been recently successfully applied to image deblurring problems, exploiting the sparsity of the image in a proper wavelet domain. Motivated by the results of recent papers, we combine a nonstationary preconditioned iteration with the modified linearized Bregman algorithm (MLBA) and proper regularization operators.Several numerical experiments shows the performances of our methods in terms of quality of the restorations. * This is a preprint. † Member of INdAM-GNCS Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico. ‡ Member of INdAM-GNCS Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico. Partially founded by the Young Researcher Project "Reconstruction of sparse data" of the GNCS group of INdAM and by the AMIS (Algorithms e Models for Imaging Science) project of the Fondazione Sardegna.