We show that the weak limit of the maximal measures for any degenerating sequence of rational maps on the Riemann sphereĈ must be a countable sum of atoms. For a one-parameter family f t of rational maps, we refine this result by showing that the measures of maximal entropy have a unique limit onĈ as the family degenerates. The family f t may be viewed as a single rational function on the Berkovich projective line P 1 L over the completion of the field of formal Puiseux series in t, and the limiting measure onĈ is the 'residual measure' associated with the equilibrium measure on P 1 L . For the proof, we introduce a new technique for quantizing measures on the Berkovich projective line and demonstrate the uniqueness of solutions to a quantized version of the pullback formula for the equilibrium measure on P 1 L .