Abstract-Telecommunication networks make extensive use of power amplifiers to broaden the coverage from transmitter to receiver. Achieving high power efficiency is challenging and comes at a price: the wanted linear performance is degraded due to nonlinear effects. To compensate for these nonlinear disturbances, existing techniques compute the pre-inverse of the power amplifier by estimation of a nonlinear model. However, the extraction of this nonlinear model is involved and requires advanced system identification techniques.We used the plant inversion iterative learning control algorithm to investigate whether the nonlinear modeling step can be simplified. This paper introduces the iterative learning control framework for the pre-inverse estimation and predistortion of power amplifiers. The iterative learning control algorithm is used to obtain a high quality predistorted input for the power amplifier under study without requiring a nonlinear model of the power amplifier. In a second step a nonlinear pre-inverse model of the amplifier is obtained. Both the nonlinear and memory effects of a power amplifier can be compensated by this approach. The convergence of the iterative approach, and the predistortion results are illustrated on a simulation of a Motorola LDMOS transistor based power amplifier and a measurement example using the Chalmers RF WebLab measurement setup.
I. INTRODUCTIONTo maximize their power efficiency current-day power amplifiers are most often operating close to saturation. This introduces nonlinear disturbances in the amplified signals. Such nonlinear disturbances introduce unwanted effects such as: spectral spreading, intersymbol interference, and constellation warping [1], [2]. Digital predistortion (DPD) allows to linearize the overall system behavior by predistorting the input of the amplifier such that the desired, linearized, output is obtained.The inversion of the response of a power amplifier is of critical importance for power amplifier linearization using DPD techniques. The two most common frameworks to obtain an inverse model of an high frequency power amplifier are the direct and the indirect learning architectures [3], [4]. The direct learning architecture (DLA) estimates the pre-inverse of the system directly [5]-[8], often using adaptive parameter estimation routines. The indirect learning architecture (ILA) first estimates the post-inverse of the system, which is used as a pre-inverse in a second step [9]. This paper proposes a two-step approach instead. First, iterative learning control (ILC) [10] is used to obtain the predistorted input u(t) of the power amplifier. In a second step a predistorter is estimated from the reference input r(t) to the predistorted input u(t) of the amplifier. This approach