Summary. For a square matrix T~"'", where (l-T) is possibly singular, we investigate the solution of the linear fixed point problem x = Tx + e by applying semiiterative methods (SIM's) to the basic iteration Xo6~U", Xk 9 "=Txk-1 +c(k>l). Such problems arise if one splits the coefficient matrix of a linear system A x=b of algebraic equations according to A =M-N (M nonsingutar) which leads to x=M-~Nx+M-lb=:Tx+e. Even if x = Tx+e is consistent there are cases where the basic iteration fails to converge, namely if T possesses eigenvalues 2 + 1 with ]21 > 1, or if 2= 1 is an eigenvalue of T with nonlinear elementary divisors. In these cases -and also if x= Tx +e is incompatible -we derive necessary and sufficient conditions implying that a SIM tends to a vector ~ which can be described in terms of the Drazin inverse of (I -T). We further give conditions under which is a solution or a least squares solution of (I -T) x = c.