We have investigated two strategies to speedup reconstruction of data from our high resolution PET scanner (HRRT) on a dedicated cluster (7 nodes with 4 PIII Xeon@700 MHz, switched Fast Ethernet and Myrinet networking, Windows NT). With the first strategy, FORE/FOREJ and a fast 2D reconstruction method, we were able to reduce the 2D reconstruction time from 38 minutes to approx. 100 seconds. The second approach was to accelerate OSEM3D with a two-stage parallelization scheme resulting in a drop of reconstruction time from about 8 hours on one CPU to approx. 35 minutes for one core iteration.Iterative reconstruction techniques for reconstruction of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) data are usually too time consuming on most single processor machines that are affordable. This is especially true for the HRRT (High Resolution Research Tomograph) which demands sinogram dimension of unsurpassed size (presently one 3D data set consists of 2209 sinograms with 256 radial elements and 288 views), [1].One strategy to drastically improve reconstruction time is the use of Fourier Rebinning (FORE: [2], [3]; FOREJ: [4]): the 3D scan is transformed into the format of a 2D scan with 207 sinograms (in case of the HRRT) preserving the information of the 3D data. Thus the reconstruction problem is reduced to reconstructing independent 2D slices and offers a very convenient approach to cluster computing.In a previous work we used this approach to scale down the reconstruction time with implementations utilizing RPC or Syngo [5] communication facilities on a Windows NT network of commodity PCs and with the first version of our dedicated reconstruction cluster (seven four-processor-systems, Intel PIII @ 700 MHz, 1 GB RAM, switched fast ethernet), [6].These previous results have encouraged us to upgrade our dedicated cluster to Myrinet networking equipment [7] as we could identify fast ethernet bandwidth as the limiting factor (less so for special purpose network topologies with multiple fast ethernet cards per node). We have shown that we now have a good basis to tackle a more complex reconstruction method for cluster adaption: OSEM3D in the implementation of C. Michel [8]. This reconstruction method has produced the best results for the HRRT data so far and is more suitable for an adequate treatment of the sinogram gaps that result from the detector geometry of the HRRT.We are also in the process of developing a complementary suite of tools to integrate cluster reconstruction for HRRT and ECAT7 data into our clinical routine.
A. Previous work based on RPC and SyngoThe BeeHive package was mainly developed to utilize idle Windows NT user work stations for distributed computing of FORE-preprocessed sinograms, [9]. It consists of three components: (a) the "busy bees" (slaves) which are installed (automatically) on all NT machines, (b) the "BeeKeeper" component that is responsible for adding new bees to the beehive, and (c) the "QueenBee" (master) which distributes work among the "bees" and collects results. The i...