Recent STM experiments reveal niobium diselenide to support domains of striped (1Q) charge order side-by-side with its better-known triangular (3Q) phase, suggesting that small variations in local strain may induce a quantum phase transition between the two. We use a theoretical model of the charge order in NbSe2, based on a strong momentum-and orbital-dependent electron-phonon coupling, to study the effect of uniaxial strain. We find that as little as 0.1% anisotropic shift in phonon energies breaks the threefold symmetry in favour of a 1Q state, in agreement with the experimental results. The altered symmetries change the transition into the ordered state from weakly-first-order in the 3Q case, to second order in the 1Q regime. Modeling the pseudogap phase of NbSe2 as the range of temperatures above the onset of long-range order in which phase coherence is destroyed by local phonon fluctuations, we find a shortening of the local ordering wavevector with increasing temperature, complementing recent X-ray diffraction observations within the lowtemperature phase.The stability of different charge density wave (CDW) geometries is a topic of much current interest. In the simplest case a '1Q' CDW selects a single preferential direction [1]. In two-dimensional materials, two perpendicular 1Q CDWs can coexist, creating a 2Q pattern. In the layered high-temperature superconductors such a checkerboard state is believed to compete with 1Q order [2-5]; recently the 1Q state was found to dominate the 2Q in YBCO [6]. The layered hexagonal structure of niobium diselenide (2H-NbSe 2 ) allows instead for a 3Q triangular CDW with three superposed 1Q patterns [7][8][9][10]. Recent surface studies via scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) suggest a quantum phase transition between 3Q and 1Q states in NbSe 2 may be tuned by local strain, offering the possibility of studying the interplay between the two, as well as a direct comparison to the high-T c case [11,12].It was recently shown that the minimal model reproducing the full range of experimental observations on the 3Q ordered state in NbSe 2 includes a strong electronphonon coupling, dependent on both the momenta and the orbital characters of the electronic states scattered between [13]. Motivated by the recent STM observations, in this Letter we employ the same model in a free energy analysis to study the charge-ordered state upon application of uniaxial strain [12]. We find that while the 3Q state, which respects the threefold lattice symmetry, is the lowest-energy configuration in the unstrained case, little uniaxial strain is required to break the symmetry to 1Q, agreeing with suggestions that lattice defects may locally stabilize the 1Q state [12]. We find that the 1Q phase transitions are second-order, whereas the 3Q transitions are weakly-first-order. With increasing temperature we predict a shortening CDW wavevector in the locally-fluctuating, short-range-ordered, pseudogap regime above the CDW transition, analogous to the recently-observed non-monotonic evolution of the...