Inelastic cold neutron scattering on LaCoO 3 provided evidence for a distinct low energy excitation at 0.6 meV coincident with the thermally induced magnetic transition. Coexisting strong ferromagnetic (FM) and weaker antiferromagnetic (AFM) correlations that are dynamic follow the activation to the excited state, identified as the intermediate S = 1 spin triplet. This is indicative of dynamical orbital ordering favoring the observed magnetic interactions. With hole doping as in La 1−x Sr x CoO 3 , the FM correlations between Co spins become static and isotropically distributed due to the formation of FM droplets. The correlation length and condensation temperature of these droplets increase rapidly with metallicity due to the double exchange mechanism. [6], the system can be thermally excited to a magnetic state. Evidence for this is provided by a broad peak in the bulk susceptibility, χ, [1,7,8,9] ∼ 100 K that marks the onset to a paramagnetic state. The excited state can either be the so-called S = 1 intermediate spin (IS) state with a t and is Jahn-Teller active while the S = 2 state is not. The low temperature dependence of χ has been fit equally well with models that consider either spin state [8,10] making this a controversial issue for several decades [7,8,9,11]. Identifying the excited state that leads to the magnetic transition is important as it provides insights to the nature of the Co incident energy E i of 3.27 meV). The single crystals were measured using the cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer SPINS at the NCNR, with a fixed final energy of E f = 3.7 meV.The instrumental energy resolution was ∆E = 0.22 meV. The single crystals were mounted in the (h,h,l) scattering plane using the pseudocubic notation and a room temperature lattice constant a = 3.8377Å. A cooled BeO filter was placed in the scattered beam to eliminate higher order contaminations.LaCoO 3 was measured using the DCS spectrometer at temperatures ranging from 10 to 300 K. As this system is not magnetic at low temperatures, the 10 K data were used as the 3 background and subtracted from data at the other temperatures to obtain the dynamical