A monoclinic Y0.7Er0.3Fe2D4.2 compound exhibits unusual magnetic properties with different field induced magnetic transitions. The deuteride is ferrimagnetic at low temperature, and the Er and Fe sublattices present magnetic transitions at different temperatures. The Er moments are ordered below TEr = 55 K, whereas the Fe moments remain ferromagnetically coupled up to TM0 = 66 K. At TM0, the Fe moments display a sharp ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic transition (FM–AFM) through itinerant electron metamagnetic behavior very sensitive to any volume change. Y0.7Er0.3Fe2D4.2 becomes paramagnetic above TN = 125 K. The pressure dependence of TEr and TM0 has been extracted from magnetic measurements under hydrostatic pressure up to 0.49 GPa. Both temperatures decrease linearly upon applied pressure with dTEr/dP = −126 and dTM0/dP = −140 K GPa−1 for a field of B = 0.03 T. Both magnetic Er and ferromagnetic Fe orders disappear at P = 0.44(4) GPa. However, under a larger applied field B = 5 T, dTM0/dP = −156 K GPa−1, whereas dTEr/dP = −134 K GPa−1 showing weaker sensitivity to pressure and magnetic field. At 2 K, the decrease of the saturation magnetization under pressure can be attributed to a reduction of the mean Er moment due to canting and/or a crystal field effect. Above TM0, the magnetization curves display metamagnetic behavior from an AFM to FM state, which is also very sensitive to the applied pressure. The transition field Btrans, which increases linearly upon heating, is shifted to a lower temperature upon applied pressure with ΔT = −17 K between 0 and 0.11 GPa. These results show strong decoupling of the Er and Fe magnetic sublattices vs temperature, applied field, and pressure.