SUMMARYThe paper presents analytical models of the following meter/markers used as building blocks of DiffServ architecture supporting Assured Forwarding: Single Rate Three Color Marker (srTCM), Two Rate Three Color Marker (trTCM), and Time Sliding Window Three Color Marker (TSW3CM). The model of the latter involves finding the distribution of the TSW-averaged traffic rate approximated by the rate estimator. A respective probability density function that, if integrated in appropriate bounds, allows finding packet marking probabilities is proposed. Models for srTCM and trTCM, which use the token bucket mechanism, are based on the classical queuing theory. Namely, models based on the M/M/1/K and D/M/1/K queuing systems are considered. The models enable quick finding of meter/marker characteristics under a particular configuration and traffic volume. It can be also quickly checked how parameter manipulations or changes in the traffic rate affect the characteristics. The models are validated by simulations with two types of traffic: TCP/ftp and web-like traffic.