Bantu, Vince L., A multitude of all peoples. Engaging ancient Christianity's global identity. (Missiological Engagements.) Pp. xii + incl. figs. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, . $ (paper). Dowley, Tim, Illustrierter Atlas zur Geschichte des Christentums. Pp. incl. colour ills and colour maps. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, . €. McAllister, Colin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to apocalyptic literature. (Companions to Religion.) Pp. xviii + incl. figs. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, . £. (paper). McGrath, Alister E., Iustitia Dei. A history of the Christian doctrine of justification. Fourth edition. Pp. xvi + incl. tables. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, (first publ. ). £. (paper). Ancient world Asiedu, F. B. A., Josephus, Paul, and the fate of early Christianity. History and silence in the first century. Pp. xviii + . Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, . £. Behr, John (trans.), Origen. On first principles. A reader's edition. Pp. lxxxviii + . Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, . £ (paper). Frey, Jörg and Martin Wallraff (eds), Petrusliteratur und Petrusarchäologie. Römische Begegnungen. (Rom und Protestantismus Schriften des Melanchthon-Zentrums in Rom, .) Pp. vi + incl. ills and table. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, . € (paper). Huber-Rebenich and Stefan Rebenich (eds), Interreligiöse Konflikte im . und . Jahrhundert. Julian 'Contra Galilaeos'-Kyrill 'Contra Iulianum'. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur .) Pp. xvi + incl. ills and tables. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, . €.. Miller, Samantha L., Chrysostom's devil. Demons, the will, and virtue in patristic soteriology.