Identifi cation and prevalence of ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) in bovines in fi ve municipalities of the Popayán plateau (Colombia) ¤ Identifi cación y prevalencia de garrapatas (Acari, Ixodidae) en bovinos en cinco municipios de la meseta de Popayán (Colombia)Identifi cação e prevalência de carrapatos (Acari, Ixodidae) em bovinos em cinco municípios no planalto de Popayán (Colombia)Carlos E Valencia * , MVZ, Esp; Venus A Appel, MV, Esp; Gustavo A Ruíz, MVZ, Esp, MSc; Harold Salazar, MVZ, Esp, MSc. , Popayán, Colombia. (Received: July 14, 2016; accepted: January 19, 2017) doi: 10.17533/udea.rccp.v30n3a07 Abstract Background: Ticks and tick-borne diseases are one of the major problems of public and animal health worldwide. Tick infestation causes economic losses in cattle farms of the Popayán plateau (Cauca, Colombia) due to costs associated with preventive management, decreased production of milk and meat, as well as transmission of diseases such as babesiosis and anaplasmosis. Objective: To determine the type and degrees of tick infestation in cattle of the Popayán plateau and its correlation with erythrogram and blood parasites frequency. Methods: One-thousand four-hundred forty cattle were evaluated in 144 farms distributed in Popayán, Cajibio, Timbio, Morales, and Piendamó. In each farm ticks were collected, quantifi ed, and identifi ed from 10 bovines of 1 year of age or older regardless of sex or breed. Additionally, a blood sample was taken from fi ve of the animals to evaluate the erythrogram and determine the presence of blood parasites. Results: Tick prevalence was 79.5%; of these, 99.6% were Rhipicephalus microplus and 0.4% were Dermacentor nitens. Most cattle (58%) presented medium and high degrees of tick infestations (11 to 50, and more than 50 ticks, respectively) with a weak relationship between the degree of tick infestation and red blood cell counts, and no relationship between the degree of tick infestation and the presence of blood parasites. Conclusion: Cattle herds in Popayán plateau have a medium to high degree of tick infestation with R. microplus.
Grupo de Bienestar, Salud y Producción Animal (Quirón). Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Antonio Nariño
ResumenAntecedentes: Las garrapatas y enfermedades transmitidas por estas son uno de los grandes problemas de salud pública y veterinaria en el mundo. En la meseta de Popayán (Cauca, Colombia) la infestación por garrapatas causa pérdidas económicas en las explotaciones ganaderas debido a mayores costos por manejo preventivo, disminución en la producción de leche, carne y pieles, y transmisión de enfermedades como babesiosis y anaplasmosis. Objetivo: Determinar el tipo de garrapatas y grado de infestación en bovinos de la meseta de Popayán y correlacionarlo con el eritrograma y presencia de hemoparásitos. Métodos: Se evaluaron 1.440 bovinos en 144 fi ncas de los municipios de Popayán, Cajibio, Timbio, Morales y Piendamó. En cada fi nca se colectaron, cuantifi caron, e identifi caron las garrapatas de 10 b...