the control mechanisms of heart rate dynamics in a new heart rate nonlinear time series model Zonglu He the control mechanisms and implications of heart rate variability (HRV) under the sympathetic (SnS) and parasympathetic nervous system (pnS) modulation remain poorly understood. Here, we establish the HR model/HRV responder using a nonlinear process derived from newton's second law in stochastic self-restoring systems through dynamic analysis of physiological properties. We conduct model validation by testing, predictions, simulations, and sensitivity and time-scale analysis. We confirm that the outputs of the HRV responder can be accepted as the real data-generating process. Empirical studies show that the dynamic control mechanism of heart rate is a stable fixed point, rather than a strange attractor or transitions between a fixed point and a limit cycle; HR slope (amplitude) may depend on the ratio of cardiac disturbance or metabolic demand mean (standard deviation) to myocardial electrical resistance (PNS-SNS activity). For example, when metabolic demands remain unchanged, HR amplitude depends on PNS to SNS activity; when autonomic activity remains unchanged, HR amplitude during resting reflects basal metabolism. HR parameter alterations suggest that age-related decreased HRV, ultrareduced HRV in heart failure, and ultraelevated HRV in St segment alterations refer to age-related decreased basal metabolism, impaired myocardial metabolism, and SnS hyperactivity triggered by myocardial ischemia, respectively.Cardiac disturbances and PNS-SNS restoring force. Heart rate is determined intrinsically by the rate of spontaneous depolarization at the sinoatrial node, but is also modulated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent innervation in response to cardiac disturbances (physical demands, stress, or hormonal factors) 39 . A cardiac disturbance can be driven by an excitatory event, an inhibitory event, or white noise. Excitatory events include acute stress such as low oxygen, high carbon dioxide, ischemia, or hypotension. Inhibitory events include acute stress such as hypertension or certain physiological states such as rest, sleep, comatose, or anesthetic state. Peripheral chemoreceptors located in the aorta, carotid arteries, and the brain are sensory extensions of the peripheral nervous system into blood vessels by which they detect changes in the concentrations of blood borne chemicals and afferent nerves carry them to the brainstem 40 . When baroreceptors located in the carotid sinus and in the aortic arch are excited by a stretch of the blood vessel, they sense the blood pressure changes and relay them to the lower brainstem. The SNS connected to the heart speeds up a slower-than-normal heartbeat by releasing neurohormones known as catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). The PNS located in the brainstem and upper or sacral portion of the spinal cord slows down a faster-than-normal heartbeat by releasing the neurohormone acetylcholine. The SNS and PNS exerts excitatory and inhibitory effect...