The surface excess amount of ethylene adsorbed on graphitised carbon black has been measured over a pressure range from 1 to 120 bar using a high pressure microbalance technique. The data span a range of temperatures from 263 to 323 K (0.93 ≤ T/Tc ≤ 1.14) and a range of bulk densities up to ρ/ρc=1.7. The results show the transition from the low‐temperature behavior (T < Tc) with multilayer adsorption on approaching the saturation pressure, to the situation above the critical temperature Tc when the surface excess isotherms Γσ(P) exhibit a pronounced maximum at a pressure Pmax > Pc. The dependence of Pmax on temperature, and the variation of Γσ with temperature along the critical isochore, is determined quantitatively. The surface excess is discussed in terms of an operationally defined exponential density profile of the fluid at the interface. The dependence of the decay length of this profile on the bulk density and on temperature is shown.