It is demonstrated that anomalous transport at the plasma edge in tokamaks is essentially affected by poloidal inhomogeneities in the plasma temperature and density arising, e.g., by the formation of Multifaceted Asymmetric Radiation from the Edge (MARFE) at the density limit.Ionization of neutrals released from the wall elements or injected by gas puffing through special valves is an important process in fusion plasmas [1]. The generation of charged particles and the loss of electron thermal energy result in transport processes both along and perpendicular to the magnetic flux surfaces and thus determine the densities and temperatures of plasma components. In the low (L) mode of confinement in tokamaks, which is of interest for the present study, the transport across magnetic surfaces is anomalously large compared to the neoclassical transport expected in quiet plasmas without instabilities [2]. Nowadays it is believed that the transport anomaly at the plasma edge is due to the development of drift-Alfven (DA) [3] and drift resistive ballooning (DRB) [4] instabilities, which are driven by Coulomb collisions between charged particles and inhomogeneity of the magnetic field in toroidal devices. These modes are usually analyzed under the assumption that the plasma parameters are constant on magnetic surfaces. Such an approach is justified by the fact that transport processes along the magnetic field lines are generally very fast and the plasma parameters remain nearly homogeneous on magnetic surfaces even if the particle source and associated energy loss are strongly localized. Under certain conditions, however, this assumption is not satisfied. For instance, if the density is ramped up to the Greenwald limit [5] and a plasma belt of very high density and low temperature, the so called Multifaceted Asymmetric Radiation from the Edge (MARFE), arises at the high field side (HFS) [6]. This leads to a strong poloidal variation in the plasma parameters. As it has been demonstrated before [7,8] an interplay between DA and DRB driven types of turbulence can be decisive for density limit phenomena.In this paper, we consider situations where the neutral particle sources are symmetric in the toroidal direction but strongly inhomogeneous in the poloidal one. Under the L-mode conditions, anomalous perpendicular losses of charged particles are assumed to be driven by DA and DRB micro-instabilities. In order to determine radial fluxes the fluid equations for particle and momentum transfer, the Maxwell equations, and the quasi-neutrality condition are linearized with respect to small perturbations of the densities of charged particles, radial and parallel electric currents, and electric and magnetic fields. These equations are reduced to a second order ordinary differential eigenvalue equation for the poloidal variation of the perturbation eigenfunctions, with coefficients essentially dependend on the equilibrium plasma density and temperature. The eigenvalue is related to the complex frequency of the perturbations [9]. In order...