It is shown that the Clifford superalgebra Cl(n|m) generated by m pairs of Bose operators (odd elements) anticommuting with n pairs of Fermi operators (even elements) can be deformed to Cl q (n|m) such that the latter is a homomorphic image of the quantum superalgebra U q [osp(2n + 1|2m)]. The Fock space F (n|m) of Cl q (n|m) is constructed. At q being a root of unity (q = exp(iπl/k)) q−bosons (and q−fermions) are operators acting in a finite-dimensional subspace F l/k (n|m) of F (n|m). Each F l/k (n|m) is turned through the above mentioned homomorphism into an irreducible (root of unity) U q [osp(2n + 1|2m)] module. For q being a primitive root of unity (l = 1) the corresponding representation is unitary. The module F 1/k (n|m) is decomposed into a direct sum of irreducible U q [sl(m|n)] submodules. The matrix elements of all Cartan-Weyl elements of U q [sl(m|n)] are given within each such submodule.