Ultrasound velocity measurements of the orbital-degenerate frustrated spinel MgV2O4 are performed in the high-purity single crystal which exhibits successive structural and antiferromagnetic phase transitions, and in the disorder-introduced single crystal which exhibits spin-glass-like behavior. The measurements reveal that two-types of unusual temperature dependence of the elastic moduli coexist in the cubic paramagnetic phase, which are resolved by magnetic-field and disorder sensitivities: huge Curie-type softening with decreasing temperature, and concave temperature dependence with a characteristic minimum. These elastic anomalies suggest the coupling of lattice to coexisting orbital fluctuations and orbital-spin-coupled excitations. 3+ ions are characterized by double occupancy of the triply-degenerate t 2g orbitals, and form a sublattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra 1 . These spinels undergo successive structural and magnetic phase transitions: a cubic-to-tetragonal lattice compression at a temperature T s , and an antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering at a lower temperature T N , T s > T N , for nonmagnetic A = Zn 2 , Mg 3 , and Cd 4 (a ferrimagnetic ordering at a higher temperature T c , T s < T c , for magnetic A = Mn 5 ).The possibility of novel orbital and magnetic orderings in AV 2 O 4 has been extensively discussed both theoretically 6-12 and experimentally 2,13-15 which are considered to be driven due to the competition of JahnTeller coupling, Kugel-Khomskii exchange interaction 16 , and relativistic spin-orbit coupling. From the discussion on the orbital and magnetic orders in AV 2 O 4 , it is considered that the absolute and relative magnitude of these three interactions in AV 2 O 4 differs from compound to compound. For instance, it has been pointed out that the effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the orbital-ordered structure is strong in ZnV 2 O 4 while negligibly weak in MnV 2 O 4 9,11 .In this paper, we study the interplay of orbital, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom in the magnesium vanadate spinel MgV 2 O 4 (T s = 65 K and T N = 42 K) by means of ultrasound velocity measurements. The sound velocity or the elastic modulus is a useful probe which can extract symmetry-resolved thermodynamic information in the frustrated magnets 17,18 . In MnV 2 O 4 , recent ultrasound velocity measurements observed a huge elastic softening on cooling in the cubic paramagnetic (PM) phase, which is considered to be driven by the coupling of lattice to orbital-spin-coupled fluctuations 19 .For MgV 2 O 4 , it was suggested from the inelastic neutron scattering experiments that the effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the orbital-ordered structure is stronger than that in MnV 2 O 4 , but weaker than that in ZnV 2 O 4 13 . Thus the orbital and spin states of MgV 2 O 4 are expected to vary from those of MnV 2 O 4 and ZnV 2 O 4 10 . The present study particularly focuses on the orbital and spin states in the orbital-and spindisordered phase (the cubic PM phase) of MgV 2 O 4 .The ultrasound velocity measurements were p...