We consider two-species random sequential adsorption (RSA) in which species A and B adsorb randomly on a lattice with the restriction that opposite species cannot occupy nearest-neighbor sites. When the probability xA of choosing an A particle for an adsorption trial reaches a critical value 0.626441(1), the A species percolates and/or the blocked sites X (those with at least one A and one B nearest neighbor) percolate. Analysis of the size-distribution exponent τ , the wrapping probabilities, and the excess cluster number shows that the percolation transition is consistent with that of ordinary percolation. We obtain an exact result for the low xB = 1 − xA jamming behavior:) for a z-coordinated lattice, where θA and θB are respectively the saturation coverages of species A and B. We also show how differences between wrapping probabilities of A and X clusters, as well as differences in the number of A and X clusters, can be used to find the transition point accurately. For the one-dimensional case a three-site approximation appears to provide exact results for the coverages.