This paper illustrates how the tools of equilibrium statistical mechanics can help to explain a far-from-equilibrium problem: the jamming transition in frictionless granular materials. Edwards ideas consist of proposing a statistical ensemble of volume and stress fluctuations through the thermodynamic notion of entropy, compactivity, X, and angoricity, A (two temperature-like variables). We find that Edwards thermodynamics is able to describe the jamming transition (J-point). Using the ensemble formalism we elucidate the following: (i) We test the combined volume-stress ensemble by comparing the statistical properties of jammed configurations obtained by dynamics with those averaged over the ensemble of minima in the potential energy landscape as a test of ergodicity. Agreement between both methods supports the idea of "thermalization" at a given angoricity and compactivity. (ii) A microcanonical ensemble analysis supports the idea of maximum entropy principle for grains. (iii) The intensive variables describe the approach to jamming through a series of scaling relations as A → 0 + and X → 0 − . Due to the force-volume coupling, the jamming transition can be probed thermodynamically by a "jamming temperature" TJ comprised of contributions from A and X. The application of concepts from equilibrium statistical mechanics to out of equilibrium systems has a long history of describing diverse systems ranging from glasses to granular materials [1][2][3]. For dissipative jammed systems-particulate grains or droplets-the key concept proposed by Edwards is to replace the energy ensemble describing conservative systems by the volume ensemble [3]. However, this approach alone is not able to describe the jamming point (J-point) for deformable particles like emulsions and droplets [4][5][6][7], whose geometric configurations are influenced by the applied external stress. Therefore, the volume ensemble requires augmentation by the ensemble of stresses [8][9][10][11]. Just as volume fluctuations can be described by compactivity, the stress fluctuations give rise to an angoricity, another analogue of temperature in equilibrium systems.In the past 20 years since the publication of Edwards work there has been many attempts to understand and test the foundations of the thermodynamics of powders and grains. Three approaches are relevant to the present study:1. Experimental studies of reversibility.-Starting with the experiments of Chicago which were reproduced by other groups [12][13][14][15], a well-defined experimental protocol has been introduced to achieve reversible states in granular matter. These experiments indicate that systematically shaken granular materials show reversible behavior and therefore are amenable to a statistical mechanics approach, despite the frictional and dissipative character of the material. These results are complemented by direct measurements of compactivity and effective temperatures in granular media [12,14,[16][17][18].2. Numerical test of ergodicity.-Numerical simulations compare the ensemble ave...