The purpose of this study is to assess Japanese university students’ readiness for taking e-learning language courses. The focus is placed on students’ self-analysis of their abilities to use their smart devices for remote language learning activities.
Japanese university students’ readiness for the shift towards remote learning has been measured by a self-reported online survey. The question items are based on three categories of Gay’s e-readiness models (2018). The survey was conducted before and after the fully online five-month English courses to examine to what extent students’ e-readiness had changed through the progress of the courses.
The results suggest that students have few difficulties using the university e-learning software provided. However, students reported limited enthusiasm and aptitude for the online English language learning components. These levels were approximately the same before and after the courses, with the exception of increased online learning confidence.
This study evaluates to what extent groups of Japanese university students’ e-readiness has changed over time. The survey looks at different perspectives including Web research, time management, enthusiasm for online language learning and their thoughts and opinions about interacting with their classmates. Although the sample size is small, the discussion considers the data in the context of the Japanese learning environment and existing e-readiness research, seeking to provide teaching insights for instructors and suggestions for further research.