The evolution of the jaw represents a key innovation in driving the diversification of vertebrate body plans and behavior. The pharyngeal apparatus originated as gill bars separated by slits in chordate ancestors to vertebrates. Later, with the acquisition of neural crest, pharyngeal arches gave rise to branchial basket cartilages in jawless vertebrates (agnathans), and later bone and cartilage of the jaw, jaw support, and gills of jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes). Major events in the evolution of jaw structure from agnathans to gnathostomes include axial regionalization of pharyngeal elements and formation of a jaw joint. Hox genes specify the anterior–posterior identity of arches, and edn1, dlx, hand2, Jag1b‐Notch2 signaling, and Nr2f factors specify dorsal–ventral identity. The formation of a jaw joint, an important step in the transition from an un‐jointed pharynx in agnathans to a hinged jaw in gnathostomes involves interaction between nkx3.2, hand2, and barx1 factors. Major events in jaw patterning between fishes and reptiles include changes to elements of the second pharyngeal arch, including a loss of opercular and branchiostegal ray bones and transformation of the hyomandibula into the stapes. Further changes occurred between reptiles and mammals, including the transformation of the articular and quadrate elements of the jaw joint into the malleus and incus of the middle ear. Fossils of transitional jaw phenotypes can be analyzed from a developmental perspective, and there exists potential to use genetic manipulation techniques in extant taxa to test hypotheses about the evolution of jaw patterning in ancient vertebrates.
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Comparative Development and Evolution > Evolutionary Novelties
Early Embryonic Development > Development to the Basic Body Plan
Comparative Development and Evolution > Body Plan Evolution