Collective spontaneous radiation of a system of two three-level V-type atoms interacting with two modes of a quantum electromagnetic field in a resonator with finite Q-factor is investigated based on the control kinetic equation for the density matrix. Time dependences of the average number of photons and radiation intensity of each mode are derived for the case in which atoms at the initial moment of time are in different excited states.Considerable recent attention has been focused on a theoretical study of the dynamic properties of individual atoms in the resonator. This is due to recent experiments with single-atomic masers on the Rydberg atoms [1-4]. One of the important aspects of a theoretical description of single-atom dynamics in a cavity is a consideration of photon losses from the resonator [5][6][7][8]. In our recent studies [9, 10], we examined the dynamics of collective dissipation of two two-level and three-level atomic systems with allowed Λ-type transitions. It is of interest to generalize the results obtained to the case of collective spontaneous radiation of two three-level V-type atoms. In the three-level atom, the Λ-type dipole transitions between the upper level and two lower levels are allowed; on the contrary, in the three-level V-type atom, transitions between the lower level and two upper levels are allowed. Of special interest is a theoretical description of the dynamics of V-type systems due to the opportunity of their use in logic elements of quantum computers [11].Let us consider a system of two identical three-level atoms with V-type allowed transitions (Fig. 1) interacting with two modes of the quantum electromagnetic field in a resonator with losses.Following [5], we can write down the equation for the density matrix of the examined system in the form ( ) 2