Supergeometric quantum field theories (SG-QFTs) are theories that go beyond the standard supersymmetric framework, since they allow for general scalar-fermion field transformations on the configuration space of a supermanifold, without requiring an equality between bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. After revisiting previous considerations, we extend them by calculating the one-loop effective action of minimal SG-QFTs that feature nonzero fermionic curvature in two and four spacetime dimensions. By employing an intuitive approach to the Schwinger–DeWitt heat-kernel technique and a novel field-space generalized Clifford algebra, we derive the ultraviolet structure of characteristic effective-field-theory (EFT) operators up to four spacetime derivatives that emerge at the one-loop order and are of physical interest. Upon minimizing the impact of potential ambiguities due to the so-called multiplicative anomalies, we find that the EFT interactions resulting from the one-loop supergeometric effective action are manifestly diffeomorphically invariant in configuration space. The extension of our approach to evaluating higher loops of the supergeometric quantum effective action is described. The emerging landscape of theoretical and phenomenological directions for further research of SG-QFTs is discussed.
Published by the American Physical Society