The operator and co-venturers are developing several Angola Block 15 fields in water depths of up to 1400m. To date, 83 development wells and 33 exploration / appraisal wells have been drilled in the Block. Most have experienced hole quality issues in the riserless interval that manifests themselves as tight hole while tripping the BHA and abnormal/excessive drag running casing. In a few cases, casing could not be run to total depth (TD) and in one unfortunate case, the casing buckled in open water.There has been uncertainty as to the root cause of the hole quality issues which have been attributable to various factors since drilling was initiated. A review of available literature revealed very little published information on riserless drilling and casing running practices. The operator undertook a study of its riserless drilling and casing running practices in order to look for trends that may suggest certain sources as the root cause and to allow a re-examination of long-accepted practices. The study, combined with some new perspectives on directional drilling mechanics, has identified potential root causes not previously considered. Changes to drilling practices have resulted in improved riserless hole quality and smoother casing running operations.