Apart from being a mean of making a living and achieving a certain social status, professions may also be considered a calling. The dentist's career is not only a vocation of high social prestige but also one which requires a high level of responsibility, physical and psychological load. Professional satisfaction reflects how meaningful a person finds their vocation, but this is based on the resources that the individual has invested (time for education and skill development, financial resources, effort, etc.). Hence, professional and financial satisfactions constitute complex and multifaceted phenomena. The aim of the study is to analyze the degree of professional and financial satisfaction in dentists as well as to give suggestions suitable for its improvement.
Materials and Methods
An online survey was conducted among 530 participants recruited from the platform Google forms in the first half of 2023.
The general finding of our research is that greater financial satisfaction is reported by women, doctors of higher age, the participants with a longer work experience, the ones who work in their own dental practices and specialists.