Teachers help children acquire knowledge and skills, which is essential in the teaching-learning process. This study aimed to determine the respondents' level of traits in terms of personal and professional; the respondents' level of teaching performance; the significant relationship between teachers' traits and performance; and the variables which singly or in combination influence teachers' performance. The study was conducted among elementary school teachers (n= 175) from the South District of Cagayan de Oro City. The study used statistical tools such as Mean, Standard Deviation, Frequency, Percentage Distribution, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Linear Regression. A modified Questionnaire was adopted from the study of Tumbaga (2022). The results showed that the traits of teachers were High with an Outstanding Performance in their IPCRF S.Y 2021-2022. Teachers' traits and performance have a positive relationship. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, teachers' traits are relevant in performing their tasks and responsibilities and achieving the objective. Meanwhile, the regression analysis found that stress tolerance does not influence performance. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted. The study recommends that teachers be engaged in various activities, workshops, and training and have continuous professional skills to adapt to the rapid changes and multiple challenges in today's profession.