The pattern of feeding is described for males of the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, with ad libitum access to either 0.1 M or 1.0 M glucose solution. Flies given the 0.1 M solution ingested nearly 3 times the volume taken by flies given the 1 .O M solution by eating meals of, on average, twice the size about 1.5 times as frequently. Flies were usually relatively inactive following a meal, with the extent of this post-prandial quiescence being a function both of meal size and concentration of sugar. Quiescence lasted only about 20% of the average intermeal interval, however, and there was no correlation between meal size and time to the next meal. The crop emptied more slowly when it contained 1.0 M rather than 0.1 M glucose solution and the crop was, on average, fuller at the beginning of a meal on the higher concentration. The volume of solution imbibed during a meal was positively correlated with time since the end of the preceding meal. The average crop volume at the end of a meal was similar in flies feeding on 0.1 M and 1.0 M solutions. The results are considered in relation to published information on control of feeding and compensation in the blowfly Phormia regina.